Hello to you all...
After WWHL we took the opportunity for a brief respite in Florida - Palm Beach first and then Miami - it was rather delicious to have no schedule, luxuriate at the wonderful Breakers spending time with each other, little Puffy in tow. As you know, Giggy can’t fly so he has 24/7 care when we aren’t there.
I managed to catch up on personal time, also connecting with many of you on Twitter a couple of mornings, as time was not of the essence. As I stated to you, on the advice of a good friend, I chose to remove myself from negativity and refrain from punishing myself by witnessing the slew of insults and accusations hurled at me on RHOBH. So essentially, I write from a place of ignorance.
In my infinite naïveté I was totally unaware that Camille had spewed such garbage and salivated over my absence from the group until I was enlightened, courtesy of Andy on WWHL...She apparently had confided in one of my close friends, prior to this being aired, as we celebrated in Vegas, that she had regret in manufacturing BS at my expense.
The extraordinary vehicle we have in reality television, is a reach far and wide. The opportunity to spread our messages of support, highlighting important causes, a launching pad for business ventures, as we document our lives and the various scenarios of which we are immersed, is something I don’t take for granted. But also with that, comes a responsibility; to conjure up vitriolic statements about a person, with no regard for their feelings or ramifications that might ensue, is abhorrent. They have denigrated my reputation, by accusing me of lying, but to now attack my physical appearance, takes it to another level. I know as a woman I would never stand back, grinning, without uttering even a modicum of defense. Of course, on social media, she apologized, claiming it was a ”joke,” she said she tried to bring “levity” to a situation, but the hurt still lingers... Are there no boundaries? We could all invent a smorgasbord of insults, hurling defamatory statements that would linger in the air, long after the episode was finished.
I would say it would be rather apposite if I retaliated and did just that. To wrestle in the dirt, to focus on nonsense as opposed to issues that life has dealt us, to sully the reputation of those in the same forum, is not a place I want to visit.
It seems extraordinary to me, that the very day KR launched her attack in my kitchen, was also the day H.Res.401 passed, a resolution that we co-wrote with Congressman Alcee Hastings. A resolution that we marched for, educated ourselves about as we produced our movie “The Road to Yulin and Beyond,” and strove to accomplish. The attention our charity so richly deserves, as we have relentlessly pursued the task of bringing this resolution to the floor, now that is worth just a few seconds of celebratory statement. Maybe just a few words of encouragement at least. They were in China with me, they witnessed the atrocities in my movie, they knew I spoke at congress in support.
That subject was glossed over, the four years of dedication to this cause was unimportant. “We need you to know that we all feel that you are a liar” and, by the way, to all concerned, if I was more interested in my own image than my friendships, as KR vociferously stated, the success of the resolution passing should’ve been in the press, not a negative dog dumping story that could potentially harm our Foundation.
But puppygate is the most important thing right now...Oh ok.
So after KR left, an hour later Ken, my good friend Elena and I went to the Polo Lounge just a short while after the emotional nuke... And there it was... KR, DK,TM huddled in a corner chewing the fat. I was disgusted and knew it was a well-orchestrated plan, that had been executed to perfection.
And on it goes, the next day I received a text sending me a birthday greeting from KR, a hollow statement, it felt insincere to me - there were no flowers, no phone call, no messages of retraction - she knew I was reticent to celebrate my birthday this year so soon after a family tragedy, I was insulted that she chose to discard our friendship, as if it was insignificant.
And so, I declined to ever entertain a text from her again and I pressed the BLOCK button ...Problem solved. She threw our relationship down the toilet and I flushed it!
The fact that she clearly doesn’t mourn the loss of the friendship, is evident in the “Goodbye Kyle” scenarios on her social media in which she mocks my husband. I see the funny side of most things, but when a relationship is in tatters it would be challenging for me to mock the other party. Also, one should never accuse a friend without proof, end of story.
Of course, I would’ve been there for Camille’s wedding shower if things were different...But after the caustic remarks I have been informed of last week, it seems to have appeased my guilt.
And there we have it, it had been an exhausting few months; opening Tom Tom which was an inordinate amount of work, we had to work furiously to catch up as I had all but removed myself from life, for over a month in an attempt to regain my sanity as grieving had taken a personal toll. I resigned as Editor in Chief of BH Lifestyle Magazine and needed to desperately regroup and take stock of what was of the utmost importance. I felt for the first time in my life I truly floundered and sought help from counseling and antidepressants in a bid to regain some sort of normalcy. The kitchen renovation was started and I was excited to plunge into new beginnings, almost as a way of a cathartic resolution...
So I went forward with my life and extricated myself from the group, I was in a place where I was searching for happiness and It was not to be found with this group of women...It wasn’t just a case of distancing myself, I was trying to emerge from under the dark cloud that had shrouded me, it was a case of protecting myself.
And for a short while my story continues...
I bid you a productive week.
As always ...
Love Lisa.